There is nothing better than to get recognition from a fellow blogger! A big thank you goes to Bruna from Maps ‘N Bags for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Bruna is truly an inspiration. She realized at an early age that a cookie cutter life wasn’t something she was going to settle for and began travelling the world. Her blog focuses on budget travel which is the opposite of mine, but I encourage those who believe that travel is only for people with lots of money to see that this is not the case. The proof is in the pudding and in this case that’s Maps ‘N Bags.
What is a Liebster Award Nomination?
You’re probably wondering what this award is all about so I’ll share a little on when it started, how it works and why it is so unique. This internet-based award has existed since 2011 and is an excellent way to showcase new bloggers. And the nice thing about the Liebster Award Nomination is that it is given by bloggers to other bloggers. Making it a great way to support and acknowledge the work of other amazing people in the industry.
About Travel Like a Chieff
Why Did I Start A Luxury Lifestyle and Travel Blog?
It all began when I left my hectic career to move to Dublin, Ireland with my husband in January 2016. I was REALLY bored. Turns out being a housewife is not my thing, and I needed something to keep me mentally stimulated. Part of the reason I agreed to the move was that we would get to travel all over Europe and beyond.
My love for travel started at a young age, and it continued throughout my adult life. I had the opportunity to explore most of my native country, Canada, and the US through work and many other countries for leisure. It was time to take my passion for travel and turn it into my life’s work. That’s how Travel Like A Chieff was born. Travel Like a Chieff is a lifestyle blog with a focus on luxury travel, food, shopping and pure relaxation. Its mission is to discover the highest quality experiences, services and brands, share them with people all over the world and inspire them to do the same.
I’ve always fostered a creative side and starting a blog was the perfect opportunity to showcase that side of myself. I hope to inspire others through my travels and show them the most beautiful parts of this world, all while enjoying the more beautiful things in life. Food has been an integral part of my life, and I always say: “Life is too short for a bad meal.” Trust me when I say that A LOT of planning goes into our dining experiences and if I don’t like something, I won’t hold back. This goes for all our experiences. If you don’t hear about it, it’s because it wasn’t worth sharing or I’m trying to be polite. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Right?!
Read more about Pamela (Chieff)allo and Travel Like a Chieff.

Who’s The Chieff Behind Travel Like A Chieff?
Here are 10 Random Facts about me which are entirely unrelated to blogging
1. I really hate watching people eat chicken wings. It’s gross.
2. I once stapled the tires on my father’s car. I couldn’t tell you why I did it, I just did;
3. I’m an introvert; being around large groups of people depletes my energy. Which is ironic because I was a Corporate Trainer in my previous life and that entailed speaking in front of large groups. I apparently like to step outside my comfort zone…;
4. I speak three languages fluently: English, French and Italian;
5. I hate dressing up. I am loving this new sneaker trend, and I have no issue showing up at a three Michelin starred restaurant wearing them!
6. I’m Atheist but accepting of everyone’s beliefs. Tolerance and non-judgment are two principles I live by;
7. Obsessed with tasting menus.
8. I’m a reality show junkie. Don’t judge me.
9. I’ve eaten and drank some weird shit during my travels, literally. Luwak Coffee is one of them.
10. My husband and I are fur parents to the most adorabull English Bulldog named Gnocchi. Yes, like the dumplings.
Bruna Had a Few Questions to Ask as Well!
If the world would end tomorrow, where would you travel to today?
I am going to assume that you are referring to an apocalyptic event and there are survivors. Funny enough, my husband and I have this conversation quite often. We are huge Walking Dead fans and have evaluated various cities around the world for livability and haven’t quite narrowed it down to a specific location yet. Stay tuned.
Would you rather win the lottery or have the perfect job?
I would say win the lottery because then I can take my time to find the perfect job and not have to settle.
To which countries would you give the following colours and why? (yellow, blue, red, green)
Yellow: This is a tough one. I guess I would say the UAE, because of the golden sand and its opulence which is synonymous with gold.
Blue: Greece. When I think of this country, I think of the endless blue sea.
Red: Italy. Red is synonymous with passion, and that is something that the Italians are known for.
Green: Ireland. I mean, this one is obvious. I didn’t believe how green it actually was until I moved here.
What would you change in the world?
I would eliminate ignorance and intolerance. If people got to know each other without having prejudices, we would all live in a better world.
If you could bring a fictional character to life, which one would that be and why?
Genie from the movie Aladdin so that he can grant me 3 wishes! If I can bring a character to life, I assume their magic powers would apply as well so may as well take advantage of that little bonus. I would make the following three wishes:
- World peace;
- Keep my dog alive until we pass away;
- Ability to eat without gaining weight.
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of moving to Ireland and experiencing life abroad. It was difficult to leave friends and family behind, but I have learned lots about myself during the process. It has allowed me to focus on starting my blog. Something I’ve always wanted to do but never found the time in the past.
Who would you change places with for a day?
I’d have to say Queen Elizabeth on Harry and Meghan’s wedding day! I’d get an insider look at the whole event as a VIP attendee who gets to call all the shots! I mean, what more can you ask for!
When I hear “caipirinha”, I think about Rio de Janeiro. When I hear “beer”, I think about Berlin. Where do you think about when you hear “coffee” and why?
I think of Kenya. I just returned from a trip to Kenya and was gifted coffee. I’ve been drinking it every morning since returning home, and it is the perfect start to my day!
What is the craziest situation you have ever experienced in another culture?
On our recent visit to Kenya, we had the pleasure of visiting a Maasai village, and it was the most interesting culture I’ve interacted with in my life. As a Canadian with very progressive views, the cultural differences were very perplexing at times. Polygyny in the Maasai community is a common practice as well as adult male circumcision. There were many other interesting traditions we learned about during our visit that you can read about here.
If you were an animal, which one would you rather be and why?
I would probably choose to be a leopard as they are a powerful force to be reckoned with. They are elusive yet extremely adaptable to different habitats which allows them to survive in various geographical areas. They also have a cute outfit! 😉
What is your favourite book and why?
The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand – We are taught from a young age to think that selfishness is a terrible thing and Ayn Rand rejects this concept and introduces the concept of egoism. I enjoy reading about objectivism and how she advocates reason, independent thinking and rational self-thinking.
My Liebster Award Nominations go to...
Carmen, from Exotik Traveler, a luxury travel designer who curates the best holidays. You'll find some of the most exotic locations around the world and great recommendations on this luxury travel blog.
Sarah, from Fernweh Sarah, an accredited physician with a love for travel. Her English and German blog will take you around the world in search of some of the most amazing locations while sharing her and her husband's experiences of a lifetime.
Iuliana, from Authentic Travels, is a Romanian based travel blogger who focuses on authentic experiences in remote places. Join her while she takes you around the world to experience different cultures. Her blog is home to a collection of journalistic articles, interviews and much more.
Lisa, from The Restless Hobo, has dreamt of travelling the world since she was a little girl. Like most people, she ended up conforming to societal expectations and put her dream aside, until now! Join her as she takes you along on her journey and shows you that it is never too late to do what makes you happy.
Caleb & Stefanie, from Unshakable Crown, are husband and wife lifestyle bloggers with a love for adventure and God. They are relationship educators based in Los Angeles. Stefanie has a Masters in marriage and family therapy and the blog offers webinar masterclasses.
My questions for the nominees are:
1. If you could live in one city for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?
2. What is the most memorable meal you’ve eaten on your travels and where was it?
3. If you had to send your child to a country to learn about another culture and way of life, which would it be and why?
4. What makes your blog unique and what will readers get from following along your journey?
5. What is the silliest thing you have ever done?
6. We learn lots about different cultures and their beliefs during our travels. What is the weirdest superstition you’ve heard and where?
7. What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?
8. Would you be willing to lower your life expectancy by 10 years for something? What would it be?
9. What would you do differently on your travels if you weren’t a blogger?
10. How do you feel about street art? Love it or hate it? If you love it, where have you seen some of the best work?
11. If you could learn two more languages, what would they be and why?